Location: Banquet Room
Happy New Year BPLGA members!!!!!!!
Your newly elected officers look forward to seeing you next Thursday (13th) for our first meeting of 2022 at 6 p.m. This year’s officers are Lisa McNeese, President; Angela Thomas, Vice-President; Meda Lindley, Secretary-Treasurer. Carolyn Barker will continue as our JWGA Representative.
We will be accepting payment (cash or check) for your annual dues ($20) and Hole-In-One ($5). If paying by check, please make it payable to Bay Pointe Ladies Golf Association. The Hole-In-One is member’s choice. Remember, you can’t win if you don’t participate. A check can be dropped by the pro shop, brought to the meeting or mailed to Meda Lindley at 251 Bay Park Drive, Brandon, MS, 39047.
I am attaching a membership form for you to complete and return.
I know the BPLGA is going to have a fun year! I hope your New Year’s Resolution is to be there and be part of it!
Also a reminder that Ladies Play times are Wednesdays and Saturdays at 11:20. All are welcome.