Bay Pointe Men’s Golf Association
The Bay Pointe Men’s Golf Association is open to all male members of Bay Pointe Golf & Country Club. The Bay Pointe Men’s Golf Association (BPMGA) offers a season-long calendar of events for all skill level members, including a 64 person match play that is flighted by handicaps. The BPMGA has a points standings for Player of the Year and Rankin Cup points. The Rankin Cup is an inter-club golf tournament between our neighboring clubs. If you are a member of Bay Pointe Golf & Country Club, and would like to learn more about joining the 2021 BPMGA season, please email BPMGA President, Edward Wall at EdwardEWall@hotmail.com
2021 Remaining BPMGA Schedule

The Shootout
June 5th & 6th
The Shootout is a two person round robin with group play. Winners of each group moves on to compete in four hole elimination style “Shootout” for the championship.

One Man – One Mulligan
July 10th
A fun, yet challenging format. The Superintendent’s Revenge brings in all elements and equipment from our greens keeper.

Member’s Club Championship
August 21st & 22nd
Always a great opportunity to see how your game stands within the membership. The Club Championship is the final event for members to earn points for the BPMGA POTY and Rankin Cup Team

The Rankin Cup
Each year, 32 of our members compete against Castlewoods for the coveted Rankin Cup!

Player of the Year
The BPMGA Player of the Year honors include a spot on the Rankin Cup team, trophy, and all events paid for courtesy of the BPMGA!

2021 BPMGA Committee Members
President | Edward Wall
Secretary/Treasurer | Randy Smith
Board Members | Neely Brown, Jason Smith